You do not need to visit us prior to booking a stay for your cat you may feel reassured if you have seen the accomodation and environment your pet will be staying in beforehand. Please feel free to arrange an appointment to come and inspect.
Prior to visiting us it is important to ensure your cats are up to date with yearly vaccinations.
Make sure you have vaccination documentation in hand as we will need to sight this prior to checking your cat in when you arrive.
Some cats that haven't been to us before can become stressed by the change of environment, although most settle in within a few hours.
At the Coolum Country Cat Retreat we provide bedding and toys but you can bring things that are familiar to them that will comfort them with familiar smells.
All food is provided but if your cat has a special diet we can accomodate this if you bring along sufficient feed for the duration of the stay.
Medicating is not a problem if required please provide a supply for the duration of the stay along with clearly labelled directions.
Your cat should be brought to us in a secure cat basket to ensure he/she does not escape.
When you arrive we will take you and your cat straight to his/her accomodation where we can both make sure they are initially settled, check the vaccination cards and finally check your booking details with you before asking you to sign the booking details.
If you are going on holidays please take our phone number with you in case you wish to ring and check on your cat while you are away. We will have all your contact details as well.